Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finally Feeling Inspired Again, Dangit. Slacker Doesn't Work Well On Me.

Alarm goes off at 6:55am. I stumble out of bed, wipe the sand out of my eyes, regret staying up past 2:00am discussing Christianity with MB over AOL Instant Messenger, take medicine, go to the bathroom, and climb back in bed. Then, because I feel like a somewhat responsible student who wants to make Bs with maybe an A or two thrown in, I edit my last 5 page paper, which argues something on The Gospel of Peter, a non-canonical gospel.

Rereading my papers is something I do not enjoy, as I can where they are lacking but am unwilling to do much to pad them more. Its 5 pages long, and while there are arguments in the pages, it seems that once again I included too much description and not enough solid evidence. But I am much too attached to my description to go back and press the delete button. I am also too lazy to attempt placing solid evidence. Its too early in the morning and too late in my final semester as an undergraduate to truly care.

It is sad that my GPA will drop if I make only Bs this semester. I can't quite decide how much I care. Probably more than I want to admit. I have only one C at this institution, and while I repeat the college mantra "Cs get degrees," I know I might possibly fall into a pit of despair if I graduate with two Cs. I'll still have over a 3.0 GPA, over a 3.25 GPA in fact, but I'll have it with the knowledge that I could have done must better.

This realization means that while I do not have any finals until next Wednesday, I will be spending the majority of Monday and Tuesday in the library reading all the assignments I should have read in the beginning of the semester. I will also force my hand to fall off, thus forcing me to learn how to write with my left hand, while taking notes and highlighting said readings.

And, after obsessively figuring out my grades instead of falling back asleep, I can say there is still a chance (a small one but one does exist) that I could end the semester with anywhere between a 3.5 GPA and a 4.0 GPA if I worked my butt off in a way I never have before. Okay, I have worked that hard before; it just sounds better if I say I haven't. Or something.

At least I began my 25 page paper last night. 3.2 pages down, 21.8 pages to go. Plus a 100 page portfolio. Senior year of college is not as easy as senior year of high school (post-prom when every teacher gnawed on chalk and pencils in anxiousness of us finally {!} leaving).

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