Saturday, May 17, 2008

Going To Miss Watching Full House On Cable When I Move

Somehow, just days after graduation, I secured a full-time job. The next day, I secured an apartment. Now I'm dealing with securing furniture and figuring out exactly how I am going to move all of my luggage out of my current third story apartment and into my new first story apartment. I think I know enough boys to do that.

Words have been lost lately, at least words that are biting and honest. Everything I think of to write is whiney, along the lines of I'm scared and nervous and freaking out over everything and think I'm going to start crying RIGHT NOW.

And that stops today. I'm sick of worrying over what everyone else thinks, over what everyone else expects, over how much I have or have not planned. If the past week hasn't been proof enough that things will work out no matter what, then I don't know what is proof enough.

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